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How to improve your core strength

How to improve your core strength

11th Feb 2022

A woman doing rope exercises in a gym

There is no denying that our bodies are complex things. They are incredible, with a multitude of systems that allow us to function as we do.

When we take up a sport like boxing, we start to ask our bodies to do more than they are used to doing. But because of their amazing adaptability, our bodies can quickly start to adjust and allow us to progress.

But that just makes us want to continue to improve. When we get into that habit, we naturally seek ways to keep moving forwards.

One way of doing this is by improving our core strength. You may have heard about the importance of core strength before. But it can be a tricky thing to pin down and work on in order to make real improvements.

Our latest Boxfit blog takes a look at what core strength is, the benefits of enhanced core strength, and what you can do to take your core strength to the next level.

What is core strength?

A man using core strength in a gym

When you hear the word core, you think of the centre of something. Our body’s core is similarly central to us. Our core is essentially a group of muscles that stabilise and control our pelvis and spine.

Everything in our body is linked in some way, and having a stable pelvis and spine positively affects our upper body and our legs.

When it comes to boxing and plenty of other sports and activities, a lot of the focus is on power. But good core strength is not so much about power as it is about maintaining positive body positions.

Aspects like posture may not immediately strike you as crucial to competing, but having good core strength allows your body to find the right positions to then engage the strength you have built up elsewhere.

Core strength allows for free and easy movement, and helps you avoid injuries by overworking certain joints or muscle groups.

Even away from the ring, good core strength can be beneficial. It can allow you to get up and down from chairs more easily and without pain, as well as go about your day-to-day without too many aches or pains.

How to build core strength from nothing

For anybody getting into boxing or workouts generally, a lack of core strength might be a concern. The good news is that there are ways of building core strength from scratch that can benefit your workout regime, and have the benefits to your day-to-day mentioned above.

As a starting point, yoga and pilates can help you develop a better understanding of your core muscles, how they work, and what they feel like when activated.

Once you have a better understanding of your core, it is easier to start building their strength up from nothing. 

A woman planking

One of the most effective core strengthening exercises is planking. This involves raising your body off the ground on either your arms or hands and your feet, and then holding that position.

Another is the bridge, where you lie on your back with your feet flat on the ground and your knees up. You then lift your buttocks and back up and hold that position.

Take a look at this video for a few more at home core exercises.

How to improve your core strength

If you have a decent foundation when it come to your core, but want to take things that step further, then there are plenty of core strength workouts and exercises that can be done to take that step.

In the boxing world, we tend to think of ropes as being the things we clamber through to enter the ring. But battle rope exercises are a great way of enhancing our core strength and give us that solid foundation on which to exhibit our technical skills.

You can take your planking game further by trying the plank to push up. Start with planking on your elbows, then lift yourself up to the press up position, then revert back to planking on your elbows. This really engages your core and you will quickly feel the burn.

A plank with alternating shoulder taps also takes things to a new level, while bicycle crunches are a really good way to get more for your core.

A Fitness Mad medicine ball

Medicine balls can be a really good piece of core strength equipment. Take a look at this ten-minute medicine ball core workout video.

By investing in your core strength, you give yourself the chance to build an inner stability that will stand you in good stead both generally, and in your boxing workouts.

Let Boxfit help you reach your fitness goals

Hopefully this has provided an insight into the value of core strength and how to improve your core strength.

At Boxfit, we are committed to supporting athletes reach their goals and find ways to improve. Our range of boxing equipment is a really comprehensive offering with something for everybody, regardless of your level or ability.

You can also buy boxing accessories, as well as footwear and gloves to really help you get in the zone.

Be sure to take a look at our delivery, returns and exchanges information, and if you have any questions, simply contact the Boxfit team. We will be happy to offer our support.